Jared Sare Ranch Rodeo
Trailer Loading, Sorting from a Rodear, Team Doctoring
Jan 29, 2022, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sublette County Fairgrounds
10937 US-189, Big Piney, WY 83113, USA
Jared Sare Western Social
Cowboy Poetry, 4-H Scholarship Awards,
Western Swing Dancing, Photo Exhibit,
Catered free choice heavy appetizers, cash bar
Jan 29, 2022, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sublette County Fairgrounds Community Building
Day of Event
THROUGHOUT THE DAY – PLEASE REMEMBER: This is a Charity Event, the purpose of the day is to enjoy, share friendship, raise funds for 4-H Scholarships, and carry forward shared values of ranching and helping each other which Jared lived so fully.
Each event will be approximately 1 hour long for all twenty of the teams to compete.
There is no alcohol in the Livestock Event Center served or consumed at any time.
Doors Open for Registration at 10 am
All teams must be entered up and present by 11 am for Grand Entry
All team members noted, a check made out to Sublette County 4-H or cash payment for 4-H
All team entry forms, liability release with team entries, and photo release forms to be signed and handed in with registration
National Anthem will be sung at 11 am and “The Games Begin”
Event Descriptions
● The whole arena is divided in half with ~ two 125’ pens. Teams compete simultaneously on each side
● A Four Member team is on each half of the arena
● Each event is designed so all team members are actively involved in working together as a team. Team Work, Stockmanship, and Horsemanship Skills are fully part of each event.
● All Events are four person team events with a two minute time limit for each event
The four-person team begins with horses loaded in the 24” trailer, and all team members in the pickup. The clock starts, team members unload and mount, and sort off two designated animals from a small herd. The two animals are then then loaded into the trailer without roping them.
Details coming …
The event is designed so three of the four members sort of one animal, and while the sort is going on the other three members are actively involved in holding the rodear so it does not “spill” into the area. The team must also hold the sorted cattle away from the herd so they can be penned following the third animal being sorted off.
• 15 head are in the arena
• 3 Head are sorted off from the rodear
• 3 team members, one after another, sort off three designated animals
• The team must hold the rodear within a designated area which is a chaulked line in a corner
• If the rodear crosses the designated area twice, the second crossing of the line creates a no
• Once the three head are sorted off, they are then penned into an open three sided pen across
the arena from the herd.
This will be a “muley” cattle roping event with heifers weighing 580+/- lbs
Six head are in the arena
Four riders are in the arena
Two designated cattle are roped and doctored one after the other
The animal must be roped by the head, a head and front foot are acceptable
The heeler cannot “high hock” an animal and go to the horn
Roping the animal “deep” is a no time and the team must then switch to handling the animal so the rope can be removed.
The team member who heads the first animal cannot rope the second. This is designed so that three of the four team members do rope an animal, as well as three of the four team members must help switch ropes to the front and hind feet.
Riders cannot lope unless s/he has an animal roped
No animal can be choked down, doing so is a no time. Judges will give a warning to the team to lighten up on a roped animal.
If an animal is roped "deep," around the flank, the roper cannot go to the horn
The animal is headed, heeled, stabilized, and two riders dismount to tail it down
The head rope is placed on two front feet, the heel loop on two hind feet
The animal is given a “shot”, a syringe is drawn and then held against the critters neck and the plunger is pushed down. Each team will be given one syringe.
The two people doctoring remount
The animal is released to stand and rejoin the herd
Kicking, whipping, or any abuse of the animal to have it stand will disqualify the team
Time is taken when the second critter is release, is standing, and all riders are remounted.
Two-minute time limit
Bonus Points = Time Reduction = 15-second per bonus point
Each of these activities involves teamwork, horsemanship, and stockmanship which will benefit the team in both the reduction of time through the bonus points and teamwork of handling the roped animal
All four team members help set the head shot
The headder stops the roped animal by the first corner after it is roped
The headed un-dallies, gets shorter and re-dallies